Breaking the Glass Ceiling
Geposted von ESIN AKAN am

Gender inequality remains a pervasive problem in the workplace, affecting women of all backgrounds and colours. But despite the challenges, there are ways that women can break through the glass ceiling and achieve their goals, no matter their gender, colour, or background. Here are some tips for tackling gender inequality and overcoming barriers to success.
All You Need To Know About Summer Party Bags
Geposted von ESIN AKAN am

Although it’s hot in summers, this season comes with lots of attractions. Kids and even the grownups have vacations from their schools and colleges. Different families plan lots of fun activities when the summer season starts. Usually, people go for some recreational trips or plan various kinds of parties. Everybody gets excited to attend parties. Especially girls and young ladies not only enjoy the parties but getting ready for the party is also their favorite part. They decide which clothes to wear and which heals, or sandals would go with those clothes. They also remain conscious about their makeup, jewelry...