Breaking the Glass Ceiling
Geposted von ESIN AKAN am

Gender inequality remains a pervasive problem in the workplace, affecting women of all backgrounds and colours. But despite the challenges, there are ways that women can break through the glass ceiling and achieve their goals, no matter their gender, colour, or background. Here are some tips for tackling gender inequality and overcoming barriers to success.
Why The Mediterranean Vibe Is A Must This Summer?
Geposted von ESIN AKAN am

This summer follow Mediterranean vibe while going for those small leather goods. Mediterranean areas are considered perfect vacation spots during summers because these areas offer a combination of good weather, culture, history, beaches and ultimate nightlife. All these factors bring pleasure to one’s life. You might be thinking what about those who don’t have any plans to visit Mediterranean areas this summer. Don’t worry because they can get the same pleasure by engaging themselves in products having Mediterranean vibes. The products being talked here are the Mediterranean vibe handbags; the handbags collection of Esin Akan, inspired by the Mediterranean islands....